Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Trip to Galway: Kylemore Abbey (5)

Kylemore Abbey is a beautiful building in Connemara. It was built in 1867, but not completed until 1871. Mitchell Henry, a wealthy surgeon from London, had it built as a gift to his wife who wanted nothing more than to live in Connemara. He and his wife went on their honeymoon to Connemara where he promised her the house. Years later, his father passed away and from the inheritance he bought the grounds and built Kylemore Castle, as well as the gardens which were very advanced for their time (i.e. they grew bananas in Connemara ). The gardens are restored and well worth a visit. There's also the gardener's house to visit.
Mitchell and his wife Margaret had 9 children together. Unfortunately, Margaret died when she was only 45 years old. She was laid to rest in a mausoleum that was built for her.
 Mitchell Henry was popular with the locals and represented them as an MP. In the end, he had to sell the house because it was very expensive to upkeep. He died in 1910 in a hotel room in London . At this point, Kylemore was run by nuns who granted his wish to be cremated and buried next to his wife in the mausoleum.
Read more about my trip to Galway here,. here, here or here

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